Tea Party Infiltrator Caught on Camera
By Bob Ellis on August 10th, 2010
For several months we’ve known liberals were so desperate to smear the Tea Party movement they were willing to infiltrate Tea Party events and behave in a racist or otherwise negative manner. A few of these desperate Leftists have even been confronted and exposed.
The latest one seems to be a fellow by the name of Tyler Clay Collins who showed up over the weekend at a Fancy Farm gathering in Kentucky. This liberal nitwit tried to portray himself as a tinfoil hat-wearing Rand Paul supporter.
Liberals always fancy themselves the smartest person in any room (and in their own mind they really are), so he probably thought no one would ever see through his beautiful “emperor’s clothes.”
Unfortunately for him, the conservative patriots he loathes so much were just a little bit smarter than he was and nailed him in no time. As you will see in the video below, they later caught him accompanying some Democrat Jack Conway supporters. Busted twice in one day; what a terrible day for the liberal cause. He’s so bad, even the liberal Slate is holding him at arm’s length
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